All Voice of China 3D Printing

标题: FOHAN东莞科恒 [打印本页]

作者: JohnJK    时间: 2024-8-8 09:18
标题: FOHAN东莞科恒
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Make  Manufacturing  Intelligence  Easier

F o h a n   i s   a   n at i o n a l  high- t e c h   e nt e r p r i s e   d e di c at e d t o  p r ov idi n g  r a pid prototypes  in  whole  industry  chain  services ,  integrating  new  material   research  and d ev e l o p m e nt   p ro d u cti o n ,   p ro d u ct d e s ig n , d ev e l o p m e nt  a n d  p ro d u cti o n ,   a n d i ndust ry  applicatio n  develo p me nt .   Fo ha n  w ill   be   statio ned   i n   Do ng g ua n   So ngs ha n La ke  I nte r natio na l  I n novatio n  a nd   E nt re p re ne u rs hip   Co m m u n ity  (  natio na l  high - tech  zone  )  in  2 0 2 1 .  There  are  several  distributed  smart  factories  in  the   Pearl   River D e lt a   r e g i o n .  W it h  it s  u n iq u e  i n d u st r i a l  a n d  e c o n o m i c   f o u n d at i o n  i n   t h e Guangdo ng - Ho ng   Ko ng - Macao  G reate r   Bay  A rea ,   it   has   beco me  o ne  of  the  ea r liest e nte r p r ises  i n  Chi na  w ith  the   ca pa bility  of  b u ildi ng  i nd ust r ia l  g rade   p rototypes intelligent  factories .

We  c u r re ntly   has   mo re   tha n  6 0 0    la rge   eq u ip me nts   w ith      i nd ust r ia l   g rade , cove r i ng  a  va r iety   of  ma n ufact u r i ng   p rocesses ,  the  a n n ua l  de live ry  to   c usto me r products  up  to  tens  of   millions  pieces .  The  company   has  bee n  active  i n  ae ros pace , p rec is io n   medica l   dev ice ,  i nd ust r ia l   ma n ufact u r i ng ,  3 C  e lect ro n ics ,  a uto motive manufacturing ,  mold  tooling ,  cultural  creativity  parts  and  other  fields .  We  taking  ' ma ki ng  s ma rt  ma n ufact u r i ng  eas ie r   '  as  o u r  m iss io n ,  the   i nteg ratio n   of  se rv ice - o r i e nte d  m a n ufa ct u r i ng  a n d   m a n ufa ct u r i ng  s e rv i c es  as  o u r  co re ,     b u ildi ng  a n i nte llig e nt   m a n ufa ct u r i ng   b a s e ,   c re ati ng  a  gl o b a l  c l o u d  s e r v i c e    pl atfo r m  fo r  additive   ma n ufact u r i ng ,    a nd   p rov idi ng   p rofess io na l  '    R &  D '   o ne - sto p   high- q ua lity solutions  for  our  end  customers .
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High-Tech enterprise
•  AAA Quality  Rating
•   ISO9001   Management System
•  Certification Qualified
•  ISO14001  Environmental management System certification
•  ISO45001 Occupational health management system certification
•   Member of China Additive Manufacturing Industry Alliance
•  Standing  member of Guangdong Additive Manufacturing Association
•  With a total of 2 8  patent trial/ authorization,  copyright 4

Main  Business Scope

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Manufacturing Capability

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TPU special line uses
DLP printing equipments

We have a dedicated production line of DLP printing equipment to ensure the delivery of TPU products with quality and quantity. 24-hour uninterrupted production also provides us with sufficient capacity and the ability to respond to temporary orders.
World-class operating standards have always been our insistence, in line with the high environmental standards in the Asia-Pacific region and the European Union.

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SLA 3D Printing machining center
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SLA machines are FOHAN's advantage over our competitors, which we have over 600 set SLA      machine, we are NO.1 in China.

We have more than 600 SLA photosensitive resin 3D printing equipment, covering the entire process of SLA technology, can provide customers with samples to finished  hand plate  production, from printing to post-processing coloring, painting and  so on. Materials cover ABS resins, high temperature  resins, tough resins, black resins, transparent resins, etc.
Delivery can be delivered as soon as 24 hours.

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HP MJF 3D Printing machining center

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We have 16  HP MJF technology 3D printing equipment, the process printing nylon PA material, with high strength, high toughness, suitable for structural  parts more complex parts production, small batch production;
Delivery can be delivered as soon as 24 hours.

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SLM Metal 3D Printing machining center

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We have 12 SLM metal 3D printing equipment, the process printing can print stainless steel 316L, aluminum alloy, mold steel, titanium alloy, etc. , in the product structure without restrictions, while small batch production;
Delivery can be delivered as soon as 24 hours.

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DMG/Hermle 5 Axis machining
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5 Axis machines are FOHAN's advantage over our competitors,which allows us to make  multiple-     sides parts with high precision tolerances.

Fohan has 10 sets Hermle&DMG 5 axis machines,5 axis machining center was developed to make complex parts on one machine,the process reduces idle times, increases accuracy, and the overall speed of production.

5-axis machining is ideal for producing complex workpieces with strict manufacturing requirements. Industries using 5-axis
machining centers include: 360 degree rotation ball,embossements,medical components,worm and gear,generator rotor,die and mold.

3/4 CNC machining center

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Our CNC milling produces custom rapid prototypes and end-use production parts in as fast as 3 days. We use 3-axis  milling to manufacture parts from more than 30 engineering-grade  plastics and metals. With machined production parts, you can also   get more competitive pricing at higher quantities including first article inspection (FAI) report, material certifications, and
additional finishing options like anodizing ,chromate plating,power coating,etc.

3D  printing technology  services  providing  customers with  standardized  processes

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Contact us

Headquarters: Room 1 8 0 1 ,  Building 1 3 , No. 1 xuefu Road, Songshan Lake Park,     Dongguan city, Guangdong Province
Factory: 8 Jinping Road, Chang 'an Town, Dongguan   City, Guangdong Province
Phone number : 86-15338779149

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