

author:Lyncy | date:2024-8-1 09:34 | show all



Jiangsu Yongnian Laser Forming Technology Co., Ltd.was established in 2012. It is located in Jiangsu Kunshan High-tech Zone robot industry park. It was founded by Professor Yan Yongnian of Tsinghua University. Mainly engaged in 3D printing technology, laser forming technology, industrial robot technology and equipment research and development, design, manufacturing, sales and technical services, is a manufacture and application of metal 3D printing equipment and technology development, the high-tech enterprises.

The company is relying on the Tsinghua University, the implementation of innovation driven development strategy “, in the succession of Professor Yan Yongnian R & D team in the basic research field of more than 20 years of rapid prototyping, pay more attention to the common key technology research and original innovation, has a professional fine and high level R & D team, including 3 professors, Dr. 1, master 15, junior college and undergraduate 22 people, with domestic and international advanced level of R & D capability; has 3 invention patents, 6 utility model patents. The founder of the company, the legal representative of Professor Yan Yongnian is known as the “first” domestic 3D printing, won the two national science and technology progress award 3, third-prize 2, other provincial and ministerial level awards more than 10, is the chief adviser to China 3D printing technology industry alliance, Jiangsu province increasing material manufacturing Specialized Committee chairman.

Companies based on independent innovation as the main, market-oriented, adhere to the “production, learning, research” market-oriented operation model. The establishment of “enterprise academician workstation and the national CIMS Engineering Research Center in Tsinghua University and academician Wu Cheng; Shijiazhuang Railway University, East China Jiaotong University, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Guangxi Medical University, Jiangsu 3D printing products quality supervision and inspection center established collaborative innovation laboratory. The company has won third China contest of innovation and entrepreneurship in advanced manufacturing industry group second, Jiangsu province machinery industry innovation of advanced enterprises in Jiangsu Province, “specialized, refined, special” new product award and high-tech enterprises in Jiangsu province and other awards and honorary titles, in the country’s top metal 3D printing industry in Jiangsu Province is increasing material manufacturing Specialized Committee chairman of the unit.

The company’s main products are 3 major categories: laser range melting, SLM equipment, laser cladding deposition forming, LCD system integration and metal 3D printing applications and services. On the basis of self-developed shape control software Zflash, the company has been innovating, developing, realizing multi functions, expanding many fields, and completing the advanced production equipment. Among them, our SLM equipment in the field of 3D printing is presented for the first time and the application of “integrated design” precision related multi system concepts and methods, combined with the characteristics of laser melting and sintering process, the cylinder block and the hydraulic cylinder piston pair technology applied to the equipment, has a guide to good sealing and anti blocking, easy maintenance and assembly accuracy etc.. Formed a diversified production system, applicable to different metal materials and forming requirements, and can meet the needs of industrial production, medical applications, scientific research and training.

YNMAT’s independent research and development of LCD system integration design, first proposed the selective laser melting, laser cladding of SLM equipment, LCD equipment and high power laser, big data, integrated industrial robots achieve interoperability on the same platform, adopts the advanced CNC system in the leading domestic level. It can be widely used in metal forming and key parts repair in the fields of aviation, spaceflight, ship, nuclear power, metallurgy, automobile spare parts, industrial moulds and medical implants.

YNMAT’s  mastery of core technology based on the foundation, has the domestic advanced metal 3D printing equipment, to provide applications and services package “metal 3D printing for the customer, can meet the needs of different industries, different clients and the effectiveness of individual needs. We have always been adhering to the enterprise tenet of “continuous innovation, scientific and technological innovation, and sustainable management”. We are committed to becoming the most influential 3D printing equipment provider, system integrator and application service provider in china.

Professor Yan Yongnian has been engaged in material forming 47 years of development, in the long academic and engineering career, development of advanced manufacturing technology research and development work, the formation of three related directions: high pressure forming, rapid prototyping and bio forming (manufacturing). The shear stress of prestressed winding, split -, discrete – forming and fitting before an organization theory and methods of manufacturing packing. In the prestressed steel wire winding machine, heavy duty hydraulic multifunctional rapid prototyping system and three-dimensional cell controlled assembly has made pioneering achievements, including the completion of the 40 thousand ton hydraulic machine, 1092 sets of all kinds of heavy press, won the two national science and technology progress award 2, third-prize 1.
Yongnian laser Brand story3D printing is undoubtedly one of the most popular emerging industry technologies. As a disruptive innovation technology, it is called as the most important manufacturing technology innovation in twentieth Century by the natural science foundation of america. Its appearance has brought about many disruptive changes. Aircraft parts, human organs, and metal molds can be made by printing. 3D printing technology has become the strategic height of competition in various countries, and in recent years, China’s 3D industry has also been rapid development. Talking about the development of China’s 3D printing technology, we have to mention such an expert. He is the first person in Chinese 3D printing – Yan Yongnian.

Yan Yongnian is engaged in the research and development of 3D printing technology for 27 years, is the former deputy director of Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, Professor, doctoral tutor, the first president of Tsinghua University Institute of materials manufacturing automation research, the first president of Tsinghua University bio Manufacturing Institute, is one of the earliest in the research and development of 3D printing technology experts, is China honorary member of the Institute of mechanical engineering. China industrial 3D printing board chairman of Jiangsu Province, chairman of Specialized Committee increasing material manufacturing; he has won two national science and technology progress award 3, third-prize 2.

As an early expert in 3D printing technology research, Yan Yongnian witnessed the growth and development of 3D printing technology. “I almost fell in love with 3D printing at first sight,” says Yan Yongnian. “It’s going back to 27 years ago,” he said. “When I got to know his technical core concept, I liked him at all,” 3D said.”

In 1988, when he was 49 years old, Yan Yongnian went to the University of California at Los Angeles as a visiting scholar. He already had a strong background in forging and forging. He was originally studying engineering ceramics. However, an exhibition about a rapid prototyping technology known as RP completely changed the direction of his research for the next ten years. After returning to China in 1988, relying on the Tsinghua University project, Yan Yongnian established the first rapid prototyping laboratory in Tsinghua University and established the laser rapid forming center of Tsinghua University. As a starting point, Yan Yongnian created a number of 3D industry first.

Yan Yongnian through the Hongkong Yin FA company introduced the United States 3D Systems, a SLA-250 called rapid prototyping equipment, this is the first real 3D printer. Then Yan Yongnian established the first Chinese quickly forming company – Beijing Yin Hua rapid prototyping and Mould Technology Co. Ltd, which is 3D printing company now leading domestic and internationally renowned Blantyre era “predecessor,” one of the favourite pupil Blantyre era “of the CEO is Yongnian Guo Ge yan.

However, the growth of 3D printing technology has experienced ups and downs, experienced ten years of prosperity, and then transferred to silence. With the 3D printing technology tide up and down, Yan Yongnian also adjusted his life trajectory. Since 2000, Yan Yongnian had to abandon 3D printing and turn to other fields of research, “because 3D printing at that time can not earn money, but also can not get big issues.”.” Yan Yongnian had to use forging money to support 3D printing research.

Although for various reasons, 3D printing technology and Yan Yongnian had a brief love respectively, but he decided on 3D printing technology. In 2012, when the 3D print quickly from the United States to the global trend of scraping, Yan Yongnian acutely aware of this important opportunity, by the end of this year, Yongnian Yan Jiangsu has set up a Yongnian laser forming Co. Ltd, restart 3D printing industry work.

When Yan Yongnian is 74 years old, seventy years of age, in the eyes of many people, should be the retirement age, especially for Yan Yongnian such a well-known experts, more time should enjoy success and glory, but he chose to become the new start on the road. As a forerunner of the 3D printing industry, Yan Yongnian and 3D printing technology to talk about a time independent and fell in love, is this outstanding love, promote the development of China 3D printing technology. His greatest wish is to make China’s metal 3D printing equipment to the world’s leading level. The older generation of scientists “science and technology to serve the country” feelings, such as young people to be enthusiastic and press on salutary influence of education, enlightenment, and so on.

After the rapid development in recent years, the Yongnian company has scientific research and office space of 3600 square meters, with the domestic first-class level of R & D capability, and Tsinghua University, East China Jiaotong University and other famous universities established enterprise academician workstation and collaborative innovation laboratory, has won the 2014 third China innovation contest advanced manufacturing industry group, second, 2015 in Jiangsu province “fine special new product award in 2015, the high-tech enterprises in Jiangsu province and Jiangsu Province in 2016 the first sets of major equipment products such as the honorary title. The Yongnian company independent research and development of selective laser melting forming equipment YLM series of products have been mass production capacity, the formation of design theory have great originality of circular cylinder, with good sealing, long service life and other advantages, with the integrated design of precision correlation system “and” pure rolling friction powder spreading mechanism “is like nature itself, Art beats nature. our YLM series products, which has become a bright pearl in the 3D printing industry. Yongnian company of laser cladding forming process are also studied, through the organic integration of CIMS technology, high power laser technology, industrial robots and other high-tech, metal components in metallurgical, petrochemical, automobile repair, aerospace, mold and other fields have extensive application. Through the system integration, the data, materials, management information and other interoperability have been realized, greatly improving the utilization of equipment, and providing the guarantee for customers to improve production efficiency. In the not too distant future, 3D cloud manufacturing and cloud services will move from virtual to reality.

“Giant ingenuity masterpiece”, this is the highest rating given by academician xu. Jiangsu Yongnian company always uphold the principle of “science and technology made, continuous innovation” concept, in the metal 3D printing industry plough, is committed to become the most influential China 3D printing equipment providers, system integrators and application service providers. The company has now successfully passed the ISO 9000 quality system certification, and to People’s Insurance Company of China insurance “first (sets) major technical equipment comprehensive insurance.”. Half of the prices of foreign brands is the price, with the performance of foreign brands are even more than, this is the Yongnian people and the pursuit of the vision, to let more China enterprises can afford, use, ease of use, let 3D print the “Golden Phoenix”, “people often fly into search”.

Great changes are needed in the big age, and great changes give birth to great opportunities. 3D printing technology is reshaping the global manufacturing industry competition pattern, in order to achieve from the “manufacturing power” to “manufacturing power” China dream, Yongnian company staff in continuous efforts, rigorous and realistic, down-to-earth, diligent and innovative spirit, strict in demands to work around the world, China roots, lead metal 3D printing industry to made and in the future”.



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Address: No. 232 robot Industrial Park Road in Kunshan city of Jiangsu province Yuanfeng 3 buildings


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