

author:Lyncy | date:2024-8-8 17:46 | show all

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Cerawei Technology (Jiangxi) Co.,Ltd is a high-tech ceramic additive manufacturing company jointly invested and registered by Amsky Technology, AGC ceramic Corporation and Roland DG Corporation. The company focuses on the research and development of ceramic 3D printing equipment and raw materials (Brightorb). We provide series of solutions of ceramic 3D printing equipment and materials, ceramic 3D printing services and ceramic 3D printing technology education and training. We strive to become a globally leading integrated comprehensive solution service provider for intelligent ceramic manufacturing.

Core Advantages
  • Material - Brightorb™: shrinkage rate of less than 1% (sintering temperature of 1350 degrees), WYSIWYG, allowing for seamless stitching, hollowing and other designs without the need to think about shrinkage slumps and other issues.
  • 3D printing process: no need for years of technical accumulation, you can design and manufacture complex porcelain sculpture products, no longer subject to artificial technical constraints, allowing designers to focus on product development, design, product differentiation.
  • Fast speed, low cost: the core of the ceramic digital era is to respond quickly to market demand, microceramics technology does not need to open the mold, mold repair, grouting, drying and repair of blanks, the fastest can be achieved in 3 days out of the sample.
  • Digitalization: Achieves a balance between small trial runs and large-scale production. Satisfies the need for personalization.

Three business segments

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About materials and equipment
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About 3D Printing Services
At present, the core technology mastered by CERAWEI mainly focuses on the research and development of special materials for ceramic 3D printing as well as the refined printing process, and the products designed cover the fields of architecture, cultural creation and relief murals, etc.. Whether it is a precise industrial mold or a delicate relief mural, Microporcelain is able to accurately reproduce each demand.

  • Building ceramics:

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  • Ceramic Works of Art:

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  • Precision casting :

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  • Other applications (lighting, sanitary ware, automotive interiors, etc.)
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