
Market Values of 3D Printing Listed Companies Have Fallen Across the Board, Some Have Already Gone Bankrupt

PanDen 2024-8-7 22:08 Business

Introduction: Over the past decade, 3D printing, as an innovative manufacturing technology, has made considerable progress, moving from niche use to wider acceptance. However, in the American capital ...
Introduction: Over the past decade, 3D printing, as an innovative manufacturing technology, has made considerable progress, moving from niche use to wider acceptance. However, in the American capital markets, 3D printing companies seem to have faltered disastrously, with several companies' market values plummeting to rock bottom and remaining stagnant, some even going bankrupt.

On July 18, 2024, panda3dp.com reviewed the market value rankings of publicly traded 3D printing companies and discovered that their market values had further declined significantly in the first half of 2024.

Figures are in USD for ease of comparison with international firms.
Since 2024, the market values of 3D printing companies have fallen across the board
  • China's metal 3D printing companies, BLT(铂力特) and Farsoon(华曙高科), remain at the top with market values of $1.99 billion and $1.02 billion respectively. However, compared to the closing prices on January 2, 2024, their stock prices have dropped by 35% and 40%;


  • Israeli 3D printing giant Stratasys currently holds third place with a market value of $660 million, down 35% from the beginning of the year.

  • China's 3D scanning firm, Shining 3D(先临三维), is valued at $580 million, a 22% decline from the start of the year, surpassing 3D Systems to take fourth place. 

Shining 3D(先临三维)
  • American 3D printing giant 3D Systems has slipped to fifth place with a market value of $540 million, a 38% drop since the beginning of the year.

3D Systems
  • Israeli circuit 3D printing company Nano Dimension remains relatively stable with a market value of $530 million, only a 2% decrease. Recently, Nano Dimension announced its acquisition of Desktop Metal, which ranks ninth, for $183 million.

Nano Dimension
  • Belgian software company Materialise has also seen little change, with a current market value of $320 million, down 5% from the start of the year.

  • American metal 3D printing company Desktop Metal is valued at $170 million, a 32% decrease from the beginning of the year.

Desktop Metal
  • American carbon fiber and metal 3D printing company Markforged has a current market value of $96 million, a 42% drop from the start of the year.

  • American metal 3D printing company Velo3D’s market value has plummeted to $26 million, a 78% decline since the beginning of the year.

  • American bio 3D printing company Organovo’s market value has fallen to $8 million, a 45% decrease since the start of the year.


US 3D printing companies generally operate at a loss
In terms of net profit, Chinese 3D printing companies remain profitable, while US-listed companies are generally operating at a loss, with some having reported consecutive years of losses. This could be a significant reason why the US stock market remains pessimistic about 3D printing. In terms of business scale, Stratasys, 3D Systems, and Materialise remain substantial, generally surpassing Chinese companies. Materialise, leveraging its strength in software, has maintained a relatively robust business, while Stratasys and 3D Systems face pressures in growtCompanies like Desktop Metal, Markforged, Velo3D, and Organovo have suffered long-term losses, with market values dropping by over 95% since their initial public offerings, teetering on the edge of delisting.
Additionally, Shapeways, a pioneer in the 3D printing service sector, filed for bankruptcy on July 2, 2024, ceasing all operations. Once a stellar company, Shapeways had revenue of $34.5 million in 2023 but incurred a net loss of $43.9 million. Despite auctioning $5 million worth of 3D printing equipment and laying off 15% of its workforce in 2024, the company ultimately closed down.

How are Germany’s longstanding 3D printing companies faring?
In contrast, Germany’s traditional 3D printing companies have mostly been acquired, which has generally been positive for them.
  • The leader in the metal 3D printing sector, Germany's EOS, has not gone public, and therefore lacks publicly available revenue and profit data, but it is estimated to have revenues in the hundreds of millions of euros.
  • German metal 3D printing company SLM Solutions was acquired by Nikon for $622 million at the beginning of 2023, with revenues of €100 million in 2022.
  • German metal 3D printing companies Concept Laser and Arcam were acquired by GE for $1.4 billion in 2016.
  • German sand 3D printer manufacturer ExOne was acquired by Desktop Metal for $560 million in 2021.
  • German sand 3D printing company Voxeljet AG delisted from NASDAQ in March 2024, with 2023 revenues of €33.3 million (approximately 250 million CNY).
  • German photopolymer 3D printing company EnvisionTEC was acquired by Desktop Metal for $300 million in 2021.
  • The Trumpf Group, a large German conglomerate, continues to operate its 3D printing business internally, with 2023/24 fiscal year revenues of €5.2 billion.

Writing this article is a somber task, but every industry has its development cycles. The market value of these companies does not entirely reflect the industry's overall progress, as it is influenced by economic cycles, financial environments, and various other factors. The future of the 3D printing industry still holds significant potential for growth.